[Sarkassum] Kymaerica

Rezhn in linear North America the western Atlantic, and the Caribbean, notable for containing the distrykt Phlorida. Home of the distrykts of Phlorida, slGeorgia, Oceanic Georgia, among others. Note on nomenclature: Though people in the linear world sometime refer to this as generally “Kymaerica”, people at the times of Kcymaerxthaere referred to it, Kymaerica [S] and Kymaerica [N] as “Kymaerica”—apparently without distinction. But, in fact, all simply knew the difference. This was out of respect to the fact denizens of all three rejected the notion that theirs was some sort of junior subset.  Interestingly, those of [Gallywyx], Unguscka, Ksycktamrkti and [pSambamsa Bdfadk], which, to a linear eye, appear to touch on the same general areas, preferred not to be lumped together as Kymaericans.